Wednesday, May 29, 2019

DAY 45: Sentry Mode Caught Stuff On Camera

I've been a little bothered by having to empty the Sentry Mode folder on my USB on a semi-weekly basis. It's a bit of a waste of time, and almost half of it is just me walking up to the car and triggering it. (Note To Self: Replace that iPhone 5S already!)

Well yesterday, I caught some interesting footage and got excited to see something of substance for once.

The raw footage was submitted to the RCMP detachment responsible for the UBC campus, and shared with the other police officers. I also sent it to campus security.

Personally, I find it gratifying when I get footage worth my time. Maybe that's just me being so new to a fancy car like this Tesla, that I'm just gawking over every little thing it shows me. Perhaps this will become less interesting as the weeks roll by.

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