Monday, June 24, 2019

DAY 70: Beach Buggy 2: Tesla Edition

First this happened

(who said Tesla doesn't have marketing?)

Then this happened:

Then today, THIS happened!!

It took 3 tries to get the hang of it. I was rotating the steering wheel WAY too much! On the first run, I tried it with a co-worker who got a ride home with me. She got first place on her first try using the on-screen controls... (damn.)

I think this is what Elon Musk means by this car being not actually a car, but a thing to maximize enjoyment. This is just incredibly fun!


This morning, I finally got the beautiful Tesla water beads on the roof of my car. It's like every owner has to experience this once and take a picture... and today it was my turn!


Had a very full day yesterday as well, though mostly hanging out with an old work colleague at Hilltop Diner in Langley, BC. I have lots of pics, but not enough energy to speak through it. Then again, maybe the pictures speak for themselves...

Turkey Sandwich

Hot Turkey Sandwich

Lemon Meringue


And of course, love the fact that I could keep watch on Sparky from my table!!


Today's Odometre Reading: 7227 kms

My Referral Code: somi22310

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