For the second time since I took delivery of my Tesla, I added zero kms on the day yesterday. My first Saturday back since the road trip, I decided to rest my body to my heart's content.
I won't lie... it felt weird. I almost looked for an excuse to drive. But my unattended home needed attention, not to mention my very tired body.
Getting back into my Tesla this morning, I was reminded all over again how amazing this car is. After 34 days of crazy long driving, much of what made Tesla unique became such commonplace that I practically took its special features for granted. But when I got back into my car in the morning afer being a day away, it hit me all over again. That absolute silence in the cabin on that initial movement from the parking spot, the incredible range of levels in the sound system, the comfortable seat, the ease of navigation, the whisper-quiet acceleration. It was like I was falling in love with Sparky all over again.
I can't believe I own a Tesla!
Here's another picture of Sparky in the Redwood forest:
Today's Odometre Reading: 29,970
My referral code: somi22310
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