Sunday, November 10, 2019

DAY 208: Catch Up News

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated. Mind you, it's not for a lack of events. Owning a Tesla makes for a very eventful life, and when you let this much time go by, there is just way too much to catch up on! So I'm going to leave some blanks and keep some of the experiences for myself, provided my memory serves me fine one day in the future when I read back on this.

Software Update 2019.36.1

One-pedal driving has taken a huge leap forward in the last update received!! I had no heads up about this, and somehow I received the update far in advance of practically everyone I know -- that's certainly a first! And so it turned out that I posted about this new "HOLD" feature, and many thought I was just referring to the regular HOLD that Teslas will do when you press the brake at a stop to get it to hold it's position. Comments like "I've had that for 3 years!" and "That's always been a thing in Tesla." sprung up in response. Luckily, many others came to my rescue, while I gathered my emotional defense and calmed down (gotta love being anxiety-ridden).

Yes this new! The car will come to a stop by itself. This is, in fact, what I had expected when I heard about one-pedal driving in a Tesla. I admit, when I first took it for a drive and discovered that I had to press the brake to make it come to a full stop, I thought "This isn't one-pedal driving!"  Then I took it on the Sea-to-Sky highway around the curvy road, and that's when I appreciated it.

But now, one-pedal driving has really arrived!

Thought: How often will I need to intentionally hit the brake to make sure I don't form rust on the discs? I'll go at once a week for now, though here in Vancouver with all the suicidal pedestrians and random braking ICE cars (I kid you not!), I probably won't have to think about it too much.

Oh, and without even realizing it, I am enjoying the extra 5% peak performance! I mean, I'm in chill mode, and I've never had so much fun speeding off the line! I can totally feel it! (my poor tires!)

ICE-Car Repair Shop Ignorance

If you are a woman, you will sympathize with my life-long trauma of dealing with auto repair shops run by the male species. If you want a demonstration of the epitome of "mansplaining", watch how men talk to women at these shops.

However, I have an EV. And not just ANY EV, I have a Tesla. This is NOT a gas engine. So when the repair shop insisted on letting my battery head towards being completely drained, despite my eager plea over the course of 3 days to plug it in, even into a regular 120V outlet, I was outraged. 

It is not my intention to smear the shop I used, nor to re-hash this traumatic experience out again here in this blog. I've had plenty of support and venting in my Facebook groups. But I will say this....

I know more about how my Tesla behaves better than these shops. 

Listen... I may not be able to fix the body or be an expert in paint correction. No, I'm not even a Tesla service specialist. But I live with this car! I get to know from first-hand experience living with this car, the ins and outs of its behaviour and how to reacts to human invention (or lack thereof). At the times that I had a chat with Tesla salespeople before ordering my Tesla, I realized I knew more about what this company was developing than they. They were absolutely helpful with all the sales options and general information for newbies. But most do not own a Tesla (though I believe they get to borrow them from time to time). 

And then comes these ICE-car repair shops. If I thought the Tesla sales people were always a step behind the news, this is nothing close to the pure ignorance of shops that specialize in gas cars. And the conversation I had with them really gave me a wake up call. They only know gas cars. When something goes array, they draw on their gas-car expertise and draw conclusions. And if you are a woman telling them not to treat your car a certain way, again, they draw back on their gas-car expertise and treat you like they know better. In fact, they will always think they know better.

I have come to conclude that this is the difficulty living with disruptive technology. If you choose to be an early adopter, you should expect public ignorance, exercise an incredible amount of patience in a world where everyone thinks they know better -- even about experiences they've never had -- and to take the extra step to know your car as much as possible.

Let's just hope I don't get into any more accidents. I don't ever want to experience this again.

USB Woes

So there seems to be an ongoing problem with using regular style USBs for the dashcam and Sentry footage. Often I will get an error that the write speed is too slow. After paying $100 for a wireless USB stick, this is just ridiculous. And then I have seen many more veteran owners move to a portable SSD drive that will stand up to constant writing and deleting (and for the same price as my wireless USB!)

Well, it has arrived!

Lately I've noticed at my work parkade, that even with only 4 hours of charging, I typically return back to my Tesla with 30-40 sentry events. This means that daily, my old USB was probably overwriting what may be important events from a few days before. And having to now move my car almost daily to a charging spot at work because of the 4-hour limit), that's a lot of lost footage that may one day prove valuable.

Now, I should be set!

Smart Summon

The great controversy. I admit, I've barely tried it, and when I have, it's in a very small, almost empty parking lot. I just don't feel comfortable going any further than that. But it's probably the BEST PARTY TRICK ever!

Today, I demonstrated it to a family of 4, and after they watched the car come to me without a driver, the 3 year old boy shouted "I want a car like that!"  Haha! Well, there's something he'll remember for quite a while! Of course, I felt kind of bad that they were all getting into their gas car afterwards. But hey, it was so fun watching their faces!

I look forward to seeing Tesla continue to refine this feature and bring it to a level of full functionality without having to monitor it the entire time. It's an exciting time to own this car!


Today's Odometre Reading: 33,532 kms (and one more trip to go tonight)

-->My Referral Code: somi22310

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