Friday, August 2, 2019

DAY 109: Rushmore Redeemed

It was a close call today. I hit Custer, South Dakota, the town just before Mount Rushmore, and my Tesla start beeping at me like crazy. I looked down and it looked like I was receiving a phone call — from myself! In fact, it was a notice that I was getting an alert on my iPhone! I was at the start of this torrential downpour when i saw this:

It was indeed insane. I mean, I’m from Vancouver, so I carry a golf umbrella wherever I go (good thing), but wow, THIS is rain!

I was sitting in my Tesla at the supercharger in Custer. I had popped into the grocery store (the establishment that hosts the chargers) to kill some time. I asked the cashier what the chances were of seeing Mount Rushmore today. She said I was out of luck. 

But I wasn’t ready to give up!

A thought came to mind... and I opened up the web browser on the centre console and googled “current weather at Mount Rushmore”. Overcast! Precipitation, like 10%! WHAT!?!?  (Yeah, that cashier has no idea what she’s talking about. I guess she wanted to be helpful. She also told me my credit card was declined, and that they get flash floods like this every day... even though some of the shoppers were shocked at how much rain was coming down... *SMH*)

I forged ahead.


In the previous town, I finally decided to put Sparky through a car wash. I just couldn’t take washing off the huge yellow gut-filled bug splatter on his nose this time. It was so disgusting. I figured, it was time for a wash anyway. At $6 for a wash... I really should do this more often!  And the truck owning stranger next to me saw the inside of my frunk just as I was closing it, and with big eyes, he said “Wow! Was that a trunk?!” I smiled. “Yup!”  “Cool!” he responded.

But then of course, back in I-90, the bug spatter started all over again. UGH. Then the flash flood, and it was all wiped away! Well, I’m thinking the wash was still worth it. Otherwise, I would have wiped all that bug splatter off myself and then had the flash flood wipe it for me later. I saved myself a lot of gagging!


Okay, to the good stuff. Mount Rushmore. Some great things to note:

1. It’s free to visit! You pay for parking though, but if you hike, there’s no cost to enter. Google maps makes it look like just a parking area.. but they have built a very impressive parkade there. 

2. The parking is $10 for a passenger car, and it’s an annual parking pass (meaning come back as often as you want within a year and park for free.)

3. I approached the guy directing cars to park, and he said “Looks like you want the Tesla charging!” My eyes got big. OH YEAH! There’s 3 Tesla chargers, and 3 general EV chargers! Nice to top up!

4. The platform leading up to the mountain is really well built and maintained. There’s also plenty to eat, lots of view spots, and a lot of indoor and outdoor seating. The bathrooms are clean, and it’s just a great place to spend the afternoon.


I’m a little nervous that I won’t have the time to see my other anticipated visit... the Field of Dreams Movie Site.  I am going to try and get up really early, and get there.


Just some commentary about this part of the country. My Tesla is certainly feeling out of place. Don’t get my wrong... Sparky still makes heads turn. But it’s clear that I’m surrounded by trucks and crossovers. My car feels really small!

And then I look around at the various hills and off road opportunities to get on top of it and gaze out at the view, and realize, I really need a off-road vehicle to do it. I wouldn’t dare ask Sparky to make that trek. I see the draw now.

When I had arrived at Sheridan, WY at the supercharger, there was a super friendly truck guy, had his truck and trailer totally blocking the area in front of the supercharger so much so that I was trying to figure out how to back in. I had heard a lot of about truckers making some statement and blocking superchargers, and wasn’t sure if this was one of them.

The guy came out smiling and said, “Hey, let me move my truck so you can back in.” They probably don’t see a lot of Teslas come buy, and probably figured it was a safe place to park while he took care of business. I backed into 1B (instead of 1A), and he again smiled and said “I was gonna tell you that I think 1A isn’t working... but you took the next charger over.” Most helpful stranger EVER!

He is a total Ford guy. He rags on GM and other truck making companies, and says Ford is the best. He asked what I thought of my Tesla, and I said it still surprises me, and I’m enjoying it so far. He has heard that Ford is going to make an electric truck, but he’s not really convinced it’s for him. I told him, electric cars are not for everyone. But in the back of my mind, I was thinking... just wait until you witness one! It doesn’t take much to start thinking you might want one!


It’s a late night. Headed to bed (yes, I came to an economy hotel this time... half the price, and actually comparable to what I’ve been getting until now.) I suspect breakfast will not be hot, but so far, the hot breakfasts have been kind of disgusting. I think I’ll enjoy grabbing a muffin and some coffee tomorrow morning!

South Dakota — a really remote part. I just didn’t feel the “rest stop safety” this time.

Tomorrow, Chicago! My brother has been put up in a resort for two days, and I’m going to bum a bed off him! That should be a nice change!


Today’s Odometre Reading: 15,170 kms

KMs traveled on this road trip so far: 2552 kms

My referral code: somi22310

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