Sunday, August 11, 2019

DAY 118: Camping Mode... Kinda

It has been a few days now, and I’ve left the campgrounds and am back in a normal sheltered house with air conditioning and some consistent wifi. I am not ashamed to admit it — I’m not a camping girl. When my friend first asked me if I do camping, I replied, “You mean like in a Motel?” 

This is quite the departure from my parents life — where all they did for vacation was go camping. When my mother accompanied me on my road trip to Bellingham, she would point out all the places she had been with my dad. They were camping gurus and had the whole camping system down to a science.

I, on the other hand, can barely keep my personal cooler cold enough to save my food.

Well, as much as I have been open to adventure on this road trip, I decided that sleeping on an uneven ground in a cold tent was not my idea of fun. After all, I had a great spot in my Tesla! The seats recline all the way down, the climate control can stay on all night and be whisper quiet, the surround sound of soothing music would lull me to sleep and even go to sleep itself so it wouldn’t play all night. This is even better than flying business class overnight! I was not ready to pass this opportunity up.

So here’s what I did. I went to the local supercharger and charged up to 90%. When I was ready to sleep, I reclined the passenger chair all the way back. I have a small travel pillow that fits just under my neck and the bottom part of my head. This leveled out the headrest portion that tends to jut forward. I tapped on the lock to lock the car. I then changed the climate control to on (which lasts longer than dog mode). I had a fleece blanket, which I did end up using. I turned on some nice music (through my phone... Slacker was not up to the task of keeping the music soothing). 

The one additional suggestion, which ones of my camping party members kindly did, was cover the windshield. With so many windows, anyone passing by can see you sleeping in the car. For a single girl, that’s kind of unsafe — not to mention, a little embarrassing if you find yourself in a compromising position or with your mouth hanging open.

The next morning, I was wonderfully as rested as I could be sleeping in a recliner. Definitely better than in a tent! I had tried and survived my first camping experience with Sparky! It’s even making me wonder why I haven’t stopped at camping sites instead of dingy hotels! I will have to keep this in mind for my trip back across the country.


We were in Muskoka, Ontario. There are incredible clothing wear sold here that cannot be found anywhere else — and are made from the highest quality of materials for warmth and comfort. I had to grab a couple of socks that I know will keep my mother’s feet warm during those winter months. They are also known for their Muskoka chairs which I must say are incredibly comfortable.

We got to visit the tiny town of Huntsville which has about 2 blocks worth of an incredible stretch of boutique shops and photographic spots.


Our camping party included a number of kids school-aged all the way to teenagers. There is a special joy talking about the Tesla to kids who are so technology-savvy and are in wonder mode. I had not even driven the Tesla with them, and already they were all over Sparky. Fart mode is always a winner. But Beach Buggy did catch their attention, and their dirty hands and feet. I gave them about 30 minutes in the car to each try it from the driver’s seat. But boy, Sparky really needed a deep clean when I got back to town. It’s also kind of fun hearing once again, a kid say “Tesla is my dream car!”  Yes, it is!

Here’s the thing. This Tesla is the most expensive possession I’ve ever bought in my life. I didn’t get a humble Standard version. I got the long-range, upgraded wheels with AP and full self-driving. I’ve never owned an expensive car, and so I’ve never been in that position of wanting to baby my car and make sure it stays as pristine as possible.

I did check before my road trip to see if I may want to put a protective film on the front. But the truth is, the car was already so expensive that if I was honest with myself, I really couldn’t afford these extras. But I was not about to cancel this amazing life experience road tripping. I had to just accept that Sparky would get his war wounds on the way.

So yes, after cleaning Sparky today, I saw scuffs and permanent scratches inside my car. Am I mad? Sad? Not really. Yes, Sparky is an amazing companion on this trip, but I know he is not a he... he is an it. Washing the body today, there are so many more nicks in the coating (and even the paint!) than just the front nose. There is just no way to prevent it permanently unless I am willing to drive less and keep his body clean. 

This is the sacrifice I make, and I gladly do it. Had it been someone else’s Tesla, no way would I be letting this happen. But my personal marks are on the car now, like he really belongs to me, and only me. I’m good with it. I’ve let it go.


Tomorrow I head into Toronto and will catch up with two other friends from my distant past. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the city of Toronto. I look forward to it!

After treating my hosts here to a nice Korean dinner the next night, I drive to Montreal, where I have always wanted to visit. While there, it will mark the halfway mark of my road adventure!


Today’s Odometre Reading: 18,379 kms

KMs traveled on this road trip so far: 5017 kms

My referral code: somi22310

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