Friday, June 7, 2019

DAY 53: When You Forget Your Cellphone in Your Tesla

Okay, I had a real scare today. Now knowing that there are thieves that go around checking car door handles in the parkade at work, I got to my office this morning and realized that my cellphone was nowhere to be found. The only logical solution is that it fell out of my bag in the car.

I had driven a good friend to work today... someone that I love talking with. So my usual walk away from the car listening for the lockdown confirmation was replaced by delight of conversation. When I realized my cellphone was in the car, I practically sprinted back to the parkade in panic to save Sparky.

I peeked in but couldn't see it. But I did notice that Sentry Mode didn't trigger. Something felt wrong. So I tried the door handles and sure enough, the door opened. It was confirmed. My phone was somewhere in this car! I searched and searched and found it tucked away camouflaged in a seat crevice.  WHEW!

This is an unfortunate combination. What would have happened if I hadn't realized for a long time that my phone was in the car? What kind of havoc would have been wreaked if someone tried opening the door?

This is where PIN-to-Drive gave me some relief. But now I wonder. Would changing my password on my account deactivate the phone's connection to the car right away? Should Tesla perhaps give us some functions to our car through their website so we can, for example, check the location, or even remote lock the car? What do you think?


So you know my co-worker's friend who tried my Tesla yesterday. Apparently he was thoroughly impressed. My co-worker said he practically didn't hear anything she said for the next little while because he was so lost in thought about it. Pretty funny.


Finally, let me share with you and example of the crazy jay walkers that exist in Vancouver. I was going full speed in this video, and barely had a chance to swerve because I noticed him so late. The crosswalk was probably no more than 10 steps away... but no. He's too lazy to save his life.

Gonna try something new at the end of each post. (and eventually in chart form when I have enough data)

Odometre Reading: 4655 kms

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